Can You Hear Me Now? – Listening for EME Reflections of Project HAARP

This opportunity to participate in a major EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) Project is too good not to pass on.

Click here for direct link to the YouTube Film on HAARP

The ARRL has the most useful press release on the HAARP-LWA EME project and we Radio Amateurs can help out:

ARLX002 Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants

ARLX002 Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants

Special Bulletin 2 ARLX002
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT January 17, 2008
To all radio amateurs

ARLX002 Lunar Echo Experiment looking for Amateur Radio Participants

The HF Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska and the
Long Wavelength Array (LWA) in New Mexico are planning an additional
lunar echo experiment for January 18-19.

Interested radio amateurs are invited to participate in this
experiment by listening for the lunar echoes and submitting reports.

On January 19, listen on 6.7925 MHz from 0500-0600z, and on 7.4075
MHz from 0600-0700z. On January 20, listen on 6.7925 MHz from
0630-0730z and on 7.4075 MHz from 0730-0830z (depending on frequency
occupancy at the time of operation, it may be necessary to adjust
the frequency slightly).

Based on previous experiments, investigators believe it should be
possible to hear the lunar echoes with a standard communications
receiver and a simple 40 meter dipole antenna. The format for the
transmissions will follow a five second cycle beginning on the hour
and repeating continuously.

The HAARP transmitter will transmit for the first two seconds. The
next three seconds will be quiet to listen for the lunar echo. Then
HAARP will transmit again for two seconds, repeating the cycle for
one hour. In the second hour, this five second repetitive cycle will
be repeated at a different frequency. All transmissions from HAARP
will be CW (no modulation).

Depending on ionospheric conditions, it may or may not be possible
to hear the HAARP transmission directly via skywave propagation.
Since HAARP will not be using any modulation, set your receiver on
to CW mode to hear HAARP and the lunar echo. Investigators are
interested in receiving signal reports from radio amateurs who may
be able to detect — or not detect– the lunar echo or the
transmitted skywave pulse from HAARP.

Submit reports via e-mail to and list your
call sign and the type and location of your receiving equipment and

Here are some related links:

Project HAARP Home Page

Information About the HAARP – LWA Moon Bounce Experiment

Article on the LWA (Long Wavelength Array) Portion of the Project

LWA Home Page

Article on the HAARP-LWA EME Project

Hope you can help the project by having a listen from your station this weekend.



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5 thoughts on “Can You Hear Me Now? – Listening for EME Reflections of Project HAARP

  1. Heat up the atmosphere or Lunar Echo Experiment by HAARP & LWA

    As you might have read several times these days, HAARP (HF Active Auroral Research Programm) in Alaska and the LWA (Long Wavelenght Array) in New Mexico are conducting an lunar echo experiment.
    The first part already took place this morning. The second…

  2. k9zw says:

    Spoke with John NZ9Z and his station had a definite solid report on both the HAARP Ground Wave Signal Launch and the EME bounce last night.

    Another opportunity tonight, so I’ll hopefully have my station up listening!

    Good Luck!



  3. k9zw says:

    Easy to hear!

    Here is my report to the project:

    Groundwave carrier came in at 579 level, with EME echo about 427 on 6.7925 wide passband general receiver mode (CW).

    heard from about 06:35 to 06:43 – can now hear again 06:48

    Station TenTec Jupiter listening on a 1/2 Sloper (basically an inverted-L configuration).

    At first quit listening when QRM about 12 minutes in covered everything for a few minutes.



    Manitowoc, WI 54220
    Coordinates 44.095713 -87.71106
    Maidenhead Grid EN64dc

    Hope you heard them too!



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